Thus, VTS give the high accurate in averaged lower limb flexion measurement. The ROM result shows that VTS have the smallest SEM with averaged of 1.49 compared to EGM 3.41 and UGM 1.53. The results of three methods have been compared and discussed. This study has used the visual tracking system (VTS), electrogoniometer (EGM) and universal goniometer (UGM) methods to examine the range of motion of 20 healthy subject volunteers.

Motion capture devices are mainly used to analyze the patient’s joint flexion and assess the condition of the joints and bones. However, it has some limitations on allowing the clinician to analyze the ROM at the gate and track the lower limb joint. The universal goniometer can simply measure the joint angles. Along with the use of mechanical devices such as goniometer or electrogoniometer, motion capture and visual tracking has been increasingly deployed to aid the lower limb joint diagnosis. The lower limb joint’s range of motion (ROM) is an important clinical parameter used in diagnosing the severity level of lower limb joint injury. Intraclass Correlation (ICC), Range of Motion (ROM), Abstract Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Malaysia. Medan Institute of Technology, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Future investigations in larger cohorts are needed to validate the proposed technology and methodology.Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia. This pilot study shows that 3D contactless video can be successfully used as a non-invasive technology to assist clinicians in identifying abnormal movements during REM sleep, and therefore to recognize patients with iRBD. By using automatically detected upper and lower body movements occurring during REM sleep with a duration between 4s and 5s, we could discriminate 20 iRBD patients from 24 patients with sleep-disordered breathing with an accuracy of 0.91 and F1-score of 0.90. In this study, we propose automatic analysis of movements detected with 3D contactless video as a promising technology to assist sleep experts in the identification of patients with iRBD.

The certain diagnosis of iRBD requires video-polysomnography, evaluated by experts with time-consuming visual analyses.

dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy. Isolated RBD (iRBD) is recognized as the early stage of alpha-synucleinopathies, i.e. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by dream enactment, abnormal jerks and movements during REM sleep.